A major mission is carried out for a week every year in different counties where GOM, joins with the host Pastors’ Fellowships to mobilize the local church. Together we undertake person to person evangelism, open-air meetings (crusades) and revival meetings in the evenings, to equip the body of Christ for effective work of the ministry.
Welcome to Global Outreach Missions
GOM is directly involved in preaching Christ to all mankind for them to know and benefit from the saving grace of Jesus Christ. To achieve this, GOM supports missioners to preach in secondary schools, colleges, universities, churches and public fora among others.
Reaching the Church to Reach The World
The harvest truly is plenteous, but the labourers are few;
Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he will send forth labourers into his harvest. – Matthew 9:37-38
Actual Registered – 3346
Local Missioners = 1036
Total = 4,382
About Us
During these missions, GOM supplies foodstuff and clothing to disadvantaged families living in abject poverty. This way, many people have had their basic needs met leaving a lasting impact in the host communities and the local churches which continue to register significant physical and spiritual growth.

Feeding & Clothing Families
Approximately 3, 500 metric tonnes of dry food starves served to about 900 families in Ngatatoek area of Kajiado Central. Over 1500 people clothed.
Impacting Pastors
891 pastors impacted at Bishop’s conferences in 9 venues across the 4 counties

Reaching Children Through Sunday School Ministry
8, 650 children below 15 years reached through the Sunday schools ministries out of whom 2,180 children made salvation decisions
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